From time to time we hear words of appreciation from callers, volunteers, and donors. However we respect your confidentiality and so do not share your feedback publicly.
That said, we could share your words of appreciation or thanks or congratulations publicly if you give us permission to do so.
So here’s the place where you can send us feedback that you would be okay with us sharing with others. If you give feedback via the link below (and only this link on our site), you are agreeing that:
1) we may use your feedback on our website or in public talks,
2) that you sign off on our freedom to do so,
3) that we might modify it for our purposes (but keep the core of what you say), and
4) that we will keep your identity hidden by using a pseudonym that we give you or with one you give us. (If you supply your own pretend name, please put it in quotation marks like this: “Beth”).
We would love to share what Telecare means to our you—our callers, volunteers, and donors.
The Telecare Team