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Why is Summer Difficult?

As we approach midway through 2024, we thought you might appreciate a reflection on why summer can be hard for many, and an update on what’s happening at Telecare.


Why is Summer Difficult?

It’s Hot, and People Expect Us to Be Outside and Look Great 

While most enjoy warmer weather, in some locations, temperatures can hit sweltering levels and be a real drag. Yet all the while, the expectation is to spend time outside, be social, and look fabulous. These can be especially hard for people suffering from social anxiety and body dysmorphia. While cooler weather afforded clothing to feel protected, calls to the beach only ramped up anxiety, and super hot days only drove some to stay indoors. Read more at 15 Reasons Summer Can Be Hard for People with Mental Illnesses.

Summer disrupts routines, limits support systems, and means no vacation.

This can be especially true for young people and seasonal workers. What was once the steady routine of studying or working in one place changes as individuals migrate back home to where friends have moved away and locals have found summer work elsewhere. Attempts to fill the void by connecting with social media often backfire, as ‘friends’ happy posts create the sense that they are having more fun than us. For some young people, finances are slim and quash any hope for a genuine vacation. The folks at Peachy Counselling share more.

What Might We Do?

The good news is that we can see summer coming and plan. Tips for Summer Depression, a resource at, provides advice for how we can manage the doldrums of summer, especially if one struggles with summertime depression. The Peachy Counselling source offers tips too. Some highlights include:

Get help. That is, don’t ignore depressive symptoms. Talk to a medical professional or counsellor. Talk to a friend or pastor, too.

Plan now. If the stressors of summer are the same, seek input on how you can address them before summer hits full-on. Could the kids be away for a week under someone else’s care?

Sleep. We are tempted to be active while the sun shines, but that can lead to exhausting fun and short nights, Be smart.

Keep up with your exercise. Take advantage of cooler mornings and evenings, or a short-term membership at an air-conditioned gym.

Don’t overdo dieting and fitness. Say no to the pressure to look great. Be you.  

Don’t beat yourself up. Just because others seem to love summer, not everyone does. Avoid social comparison and live your way.

Of course, we welcome you to give us a call this summer. Our summer volunteers would love to hear how you’re doing. Toll free: 1-888-604-852-9099.

Need Someone to Listen?

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. If you're seeking a compassionate ear and a heart that understands, we encourage you to call us. Support is just a phone call away. See below for information how to connect with us.

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For Crisis or Emotional Support Call:

  • 604-852-9099 in Abbotsford and Mission
  • 1-888-852-9099 toll free throughout British Columbia
  • If you are in a life threatening crisis, please call 911

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