Hi All,
It's so good to touch base with you! I thought I would email you a note and see how you are doing. How did your day start for you today? Mine was early. I got up and dressed by 6:00 AM. The morning was lovely and quiet.
I enjoy doing Devotions at this time and I could listen to the birdsong and soft cacophony of the city waking up around me. With all that’s been happening around us, it is much quieter than it used to be. The stillness is there. Maybe this is the time God wants us to be still and listen to Him. (Psalm 46:10) it sure is comforting to know that our Father is watching over all of us.
As I heard people starting to move about I thought about the self-isolation that has become the norm and wondered how things will transpire in the future. Our callers must feel even more anxious! However, the ones I’ve spoken with are actually handling it quite well at this time. They are taking it in stride but maybe the isolation isn’t such a new existence for them? Maybe this is the norm for many. We know this is going to end. For some of them, it might not, the isolation part, I mean.
I enjoy reading a lot so I thought I would add a few titles that I have enjoyed:
UNEDUCATED by Tara Westover
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK by Geraldine Brooks
THE ROSIE PROJECT by Graeme Simsion
I’m also an artist. It took me a while to accept that title but it's true. I do love painting with watercolors. I miss being by the ocean so I have painted an ocean scene of our own BC coastline. I often went to Pender Harbour
(photo above) in the past and miss the beauty, peace, and stillness there.
God's promise...
My heart goes out to those who are ill and dealing with this stressful time in so many different ways. God has promised us many things, including hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11). If you need to connect with someone else to just talk, Telecare is here. . . If you have a prayer request, please let us know and we will start praying!
Take care, friend, be safe and stay healthy.
God bless,
A Telecare Volunteer
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Telecare Crisis & Caring Line
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(*Not confidential if you share that you plan to harm yourself or others)
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